A Year of Successes

Happy 1st Birthday, Solid Roots

Solid Root's birthday cake with striped candles

Key Takeaways:

  • Happy 1st Birthday to Solid Roots! We’re celebrating by focusing on our successes this past year.
  • 8,451 plastic bottles saved from oceans and landfills, 2,817 bars hand-crafted, only 9.4 pounds of waste generated, 24 states reached, 55 markets completed, and 16 retail partners sum up our year in numbers.
  • We’re planning some big things for year two, including some new product launches – stay tuned for those!

Today marks Solid Roots’ 1st birthday and I couldn’t be more thrilled that we’ve made it this far! (It also happens to be Earth Day so let’s celebrate that, too! And, nope, that’s not a coincidence that our birthday falls on Earth Day.) Thank you for your endless support - I definitely wouldn’t be here one year later if it weren’t for the amazing people I have met during this journey: every customer, every person who has wandered into our booth at a market never having even heard of solid shampoo and conditioner, every referral, every skeptic, every fellow small business owner, social media follower, and retail partner. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Although not every day as a small business owner is easy, in an effort of self-betterment I am working towards keeping my focus on the positive – which made me think: what a better way to commemorate Solid Roots’ birthday than celebrating all the amazing things that have happened this past year for our budding little company! 

So, I present to you Solid Roots’ year in numbers:

  • 8,451 Plastic Bottles Saved from Oceans and Landfills - Each shampoo and conditioner has three times the amount of cleansing and conditioning power as one bottle of shampoo or conditioner. By switching products to bar form, you prevent these unnecessary single-use plastics from ending up in our landfills and oceans. Join us in our mission!
  •  2,817 Bars Hand-Crafted - Yup! In the year since Solid Roots' launched, I have hand-made nearly 3,000 bars! And for the majority of that time Solid Roots was still a side-hustle alongside my full-time job - whew!
  • Only 9.4 Pounds of Waste Generated - That’s right. Our company is centered around sustainability and so all year long, we tracked how much waste we generated. Not only does this help us set a benchmark for where we’re at,but it also helps us recognize where we can do better to reduce this number, even as we grow.
  • 24 States Reached - Because of our amazing customers, word spread quickly about the products and we reached over 20 different states!
  • 55 Farmers and Pop-up Markets - We certainly kept busy this year with markets, but we had a blast! Meeting other small-business owners truly makes these markets special. The small business community here in the Triangle is unrivaled.
  • 16 retail partners - We have been absolutely amazed by the friendships and partnerships we have made with both local and national shops this past year. Many of these owners are our biggest champions and we cannot thank them enough for helping us spread the word about Solid Roots’ mission. We’re also looking to expand our reach to more retail partners so if you are, or know of any, locally-owned shops interested in carrying our products, please reach out to me!

We also had big news in October! Solid Roots was growing at a rate that was unsustainable as a side-hustle, so before the busy holiday season hit, I was able to quit my full-time job and focus 100% of my efforts on growing Solid Roots. I couldn’t have made this move without the support from my amazing husband, Paul, so he deserves a huge shout out! So far, it’s been amazing to dedicate all my working hours to something I care so deeply about. I couldn’t be more blessed.

Finally, we have some exciting things planned for the next year including the launch of some exciting new products so keep an eye out for those! 

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me advance my mission to make the world a better place.



Founder & CEO of Solid Roots